Sunday, 9 November 2014

Bowl Turning with Sharif Adams

Well, as you know by now, bowl turning is becoming my new obsession... Unbeknownst to me, my darling girlfriend booked me on to a surprise course for my birthday with Sharif Adams. Sharif is a talented turner and woodsman who lives in a woodland community on darkest Dartmoor. We spent the day in his workshop and he gave me loads of pointers and direction on my turning technique. As essentially I haven't got a clue what I'm doing, all advice is welcome and it's really useful to standardise the plan of attack... The nerdy notebook came out and so did the camera to jot down instructions and draw around various tools.

My efforts in spalted Beech, it has a couple of pieces of lead shot in the wall. I panicked at the thought of damaging Sharif's tools but the lead is so soft it sliced through without a mark!

Sharif's lathe is good and sturdy!

I came away from a great day with a cracking bowl, a new friend and a sense of empowerment over the turning process with lots of new techniques and ideas to work with.

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